How to be specific and give detailed~感謝を具体的に伝える方法~


ただ「Thank you」「Grateful」といった言葉で表すだけでは、本音が伝わりません。





  • This was a long engagement and you certainly provided exemplary service throughout the project  from managing the various responses from the start stage all the way to the end.


  • All the stakeholders praised your attention to detail and hard work.


  • The whole team contributed to get this done. Resilience and collaboration was the key.


  • Want to thank those who have had a hand in this project.
    Thanks to the amazing and committed extended team XXX, YYY, and ZZZ, who drove the conversations with all the extended detail and depth from the  initial journey we went through.
  • This wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the broader team


  • I would like to give some special thanks to XXX who calmly navigated us through the project that lasted more than a year with lots of ups and downs.
  • I would like to thank the entire leadership team. All of whom were integral to the strategy and execution. 
  • I would like to give some special thanks to XXX for your continued support, advice and for not giving up.
  • Appreciate all your valuable contributions and support at the different stages of this project. 


  • I would like to thank XXX who  was amazing in her patience and execution as always. 
  • I would like to thank XXX who spent many many hours convincing the customer.
  • I would like to thank XXX who went way over and above stepping far outside his job duties to provide strategic insight, guidance, and to facilitate communications.
  • Thanks to XXX for your agility, flexibility and creativity.


